On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 14:02, Michael S. Dunsavage wrote:
> >
> > > Also how can I set ftp so you can upload but cannot delete?
> >
> > On the upload directory
> >
> > If it's owned by ftpuser (or what ever user owns the ftp root.)
> >
> > chmod 733 uploads/
> >
> > They'll be able to enter the directory, upload to it, but not list or
> > download files.
> >
> I want them to be able to list and download from my ftp site but not delete.
> -- 
> Michael S. Dunsavage

Oh..even easier..

chmod  755 upload

They will be able to list and download files.  As long as they don't
have write permissions, you should be ok.
Michael Gargiullo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Warp Drive Networks

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