On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 11:43:00AM -0400, Christian Campbell wrote:
> > > I'm looking around for open source virus protection software, I saw
> > > MailScanner-4.23-11 but it seams that it needs additional 3rd party
> > > software to "eliminate" the viruses. Anybody know of others?
> > 
> > Linux does not need virus protection, really. That's an MS specific
> > problem.
> Aren't Li0n, Linux.Vit.4096, Linux.Diesel, OSF.8759, Slapper, Scalper,
> Linux.Svat, BoxPoison, Ramen and even Klez all *nix based or cross-platform
> viruses?  Viruses are NOT a MS specific problem...

Yes, they are!!! Some of those listed aren't even viruses (eg
slapper). Some that are, are supiciously only found by AV vendors (ie
did they write them in order to sell a product...hmmmm). The others
can't be spread via email attachments (as is the case that started
this thread). 

So the email/virus thing, is purely an MS one, and one that could
easily be prevented. But that would hurt a certain revenue stream. We
must maintain some illusions for the masses, lest they though go
blitheringly mad, and forget to fork out that dough to MS and Assoc.

Hal Burgiss

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