On Friday 10 October 2003 14:48, Bill Tangren wrote:
> MKlinke wrote:
> > On Friday 10 October 2003 13:35, Bill Tangren wrote:
> >>MKlinke wrote:
> >>>On Thursday 09 October 2003 10:41, Aly Dharshi wrote:
> >>>>Hello,
> >>>>
> >>>>  So how do you sort out the passwd when ssh asks for one, do you
> >>>>have it in some secret file ?
> >>>
> >>>'ssh-agent' is one option for this..
> >>>
> >>>%eval `ssh-agent`
> >>>%ssh-add
> >>>
> >>>This will store and apply the key when required.
> >>>
> >>>Regards,  Mike Klinke
> >>
> >>Mike,
> >>
> >>I tried this on both the backup machine, and the machine to be
> >> backed up. I still get prompted for a password. Could you (or
> >> someone else) provide an example of how you would use this in a
> >> script that uses rsync and ssh to backup files from one machine to
> >> another? I read the man pages for ssh-agent and ssh-add, and it
> >> was not clear to me. The eval function provides ssh-agent's pid,
> >> but I'm not sure how to use it in this case.
> >>
> >>TIA,
> >>Bill
> >
> > My notes:
> >
> > Machine A has the batch file that is used to drive rsync.
> > Machine B is the machine to back up.
> >
> > On machine A create your public/private keys via ssh-keygen
> > Copy the generated public key to Machine B
> >   (append the key to the appropriate "authorized_keys2" file)
> >
> > On machine A run: eval `ssh-agent`
> >   (make sure these are both back-tics `` )
> > On machine A run: ssh-add (You'll have to re-enter the keyphrase)
> > On machine A you can now run: ssh <machine_B_IP>
> >   (and you should not be asked for a password.)
> >
> > For batch use change the line for BatchMode in /etc/ssh/ssh_config
> > to: BatchMode yes
> >
> > You should now be able to run a script containing ssh commands:
> > (note that the ssh-agent should be only viable for the current
> > login session but that doesn't pose a problem for my use.  I have
> > run across a site that where someone created a utility to allow the
> > ssh-agent to be accessible from a cron task or a shell other than
> > the login shell but can't remember it right now.)
> >
> > Regards,  Mike Klinke
> Hmmm... not working. This is what I did:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bjt]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
> Generating public/private dsa key pair.
> Enter file in which to save the key (/home/bjt/.ssh/id_dsa):
> Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
> Enter same passphrase again:
> Your identification has been saved in /home/bjt/.ssh/id_dsa.
> Your public key has been saved in /home/bjt/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bjt]$ cd .ssh
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] .ssh]$ sftp aa
> Connecting to aa...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> sftp> cd .ssh
> sftp> put id_dsa authorized_keys2
> Uploading id_dsa to /home/bjt/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> sftp> bye

Did you put id_dsa or id_dsa.pub into the authorized_keys2 file above.  
It should be the public key that is inserted.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] .ssh]$ cd
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bjt]$ eval `ssh-agent`
> Agent pid 3587
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bjt]$ ssh-add
> Enter passphrase for /home/bjt/.ssh/id_dsa:
> Identity added: /home/bjt/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/bjt/.ssh/id_dsa)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bjt]$ ssh aa
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> As you can see, it asked for the password.
> I'm not sure what the purpose of the "eval `ssh-agent`" does. Does it
> put my private key in ram?

Whether it's RAM or somewhere on disk I'm not sure but RAM would be my 
best guess.

> Bill

Regards, Mike Klinke

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