On Friday 10 October 2003 19:30, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> MKlinke wrote:
> > I haven't tried it with crontab so I don't know if it'll fit here
> > but with batch jobs like this via ssh the ssh-agent mechanism works
> > very well. The thought of null passphrases just leave me a little
> > cold and shivering ....
> As well it should.  There is a more secure option, though.  It's
> possible to tie an SSH key to a specific command on a remote server,
> so that if the private key is stolen, it can only be used to execute
> the configured command.
> For instance, when you run rsync over ssh, the local rsync command
> spawns an ssh session and runs rsync on the remote end.  If you were
> to issue the local command:
> rsync -av -e ssh /home/data/ server.example.com:/home/data/
> then the command executed on the server would be:
> rsync --server -av . /home/data/
> Notice that the arguments on the server side are basically the same
> as on the local side (mostly... I fibbed a little.  rsync on the
> server actually gets the expanded options, equivalent to -a).
> Now, if you want this to happen at a regular interval, you might
> create an ssh key pair, and name the private file
> "id_rsa-rsync-data".  You would then install the key on the server
> side by editing the appropriate authorized_keys file, and putting the
> command before the key:
> command="rsync --server -av . /home/data/" ssh-rsa <key>
> You'd then set up the cron job on the local side to use that private
> key:
> rsync -av -e 'ssh -i id_rsa-sync-data' /home/data/ \
>       server.example.com:/home/data/
> Using this configuration, if the private key is stolen, the attacker
> can only use rsync to modify the contens of /home/data on your
> server.  It can't be used for login shells.  It may still be
> dangerous, and you should still try to avoid running remote commands
> as root, but it's a huge step up from using a key with no passphrase
> to execute arbitrary commands on a remote server.


Thankyou Gordon, this was on my short list of ssh variations to put in 
my toolkit.  A good explanation to give me a little kick-start is quite 
a help!

Regards,  Mike Klinke

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