There's a first time for everything...

I was doing a remote rpm install of libfwbuilder using VNC, which normally works fine, and this time my login session hung after displaying 100% in rpm install process. I could not ctrl-c out of it (it hung for over 5 minutes). From another window I noticed it hadn't actually installed package yet.

I seemed to have no choice but kill-9 the process...with the side affect being that all of my rpm queries/commands now hang. When I run any rpm command with -vv I am getting the following output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] security]# rpm -vv -qa
D: opening  db environment /var/lib/rpm/Packages joinenv
D: opening  db index       /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0

(I must kill process after this...its hung)

What can I do to get out of this situation? I haven't rebooted this all that is needed? Do I need to rebuild the rpm db? I'm a little leary of trying these options as I've never encountered this situation before and am leary of unscheduled downtime...

thanks in advance...


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