I run logwatch to condence all the system logs each night.  I've been
getting the connections from the net.mx address ( or variants - as I
assume they are from a dial up pool ) for the last week.  From two to
three times.

Now I know the ipop3d is netscape and biff checking my inbox...


 ---------------- Connections (secure-log) Begin ------------------- 

   Service in.telnetd:
      mexico1354.infosel.net.mx ( 3 Time(s)
   Service ipop3d:
      cyberman.infiniteworlds.dyn.ml.org ( 134 Time(s)


I'm currious - because There are only 4 user accounts on this system -
two are on vacation in Australia - not Mexico, one is in Richmond and
uses Bell Atlantic, and Me.  I'm currious who is telneting in, and if
they are loging on as anyone ( an obvious question )

I ran all the log files in /var/logs through grep looking for net.mx,
and it the only entries I saw were in the header info for inbound
e-mail  in the senmail log.  And secure has just the above info, logons
were about 4 minutes apart.

If it's realated to sendmail why is this the only address that I see
that happening with?

James Michael Keller            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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