Otto Haliburton wrote:

Look at it this way. You should be able to move a c++ (not g++) compiler to any version of RH and it works!!! LIB's and all period, no explanation needed.

I agree. You should be able to... but you can't. Maybe someday you will be able to. If the current promise of a stable ABI is kept, then someday may be now.

Fact, it doesn't.  The question is why.  The explanation is that it
is native to c++ and only c++ was stated.  I was pointing out that actually
it is a problem of the community that I believe is related to the resources
available to the developers.

That's where I think you're pointing fingers without understanding the situation. As it's been said, this is not a problem that's unique to the Free Software community. Generally, you can exect that different versions of a compiler will produce compatible C binaries. You can also often expect that different vendors compilers will produce compatible C binaries. There is a binary compatibility standard for C. There is no such standard for C++. You will not be able to link objects from one vendor's compilers against another's.

This has been true of Intel's C++ compiler. It's been true of Sun's C++ compiler for Sparc. Are you going to tell us that it's because those developers don't understand the CPUs well enough? Or that they don't understand how to build binaries that run on those CPUs? Or that they don't have the time/money/resources to do it right? Get real.

The individual in question made a statement
that effectively, it should be accepted without complaints and I said and I
still say that is dumb.

I think the general idea is that no amount of bitching is going to change history, so don't. Very intellegent, talented, experienced people work on the compiler, and history shows that they *still* weren't able to get a good ABI on the first try. From your perspective, which as far as we know does *not* include extensive experience developing a compiler or an ABI, it seems like it should be a simple thing. Good for you. When you've *done* it, then you can preach about how everyone in the world has done it wrong so far.

This needs to be fixed to where anyone can select a
new compiler and not worry that it will break everything else and you need
resources to test it against all previous versions.  If you don't then no
one will accept open community software period.

OK. Which compiler will they use?

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