>From: "Moore Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: 2A59Ht5BC-00 meets ultimate doom..
>I asked the question myself...when are, say, motherboard
>manufacturers going to sport the "LINUX COMPATIBLE" sticker. 
>Do they even know what we want?? And what is it that would make an ideal
>linux motherboard anyhow??
>To any who still think the idea of these motherboards being designed in
>consideration of win95 to be a rumour....check again. It's not hard to see
>why linux attempts to be bios independant, as a lot of bios updates that
>detail what the update actually addresses, discloses a lot of things
>'fixed' in consideration if win95 compatibility/install issues.


FWIW in this context in an OS/2 user group I'm subscribed to there has
been much talk about the ideal mb for that os. A lot of people have said
avoid intel chipsets and use the K6 processor. Since Intel are hand in
glove with M$ your comments about the bios being 'fixed' could be valid.
Non-Intel mbs are not easy to find (in the UK at least) but the mfrs of
them could be a good place to start for your Linux-compat mb.   

Using OS/2 Warp 4, Injoy and MR/2 ICE

Dorset Rough Riders Mountain Bike Club's head honcho.  

Races a hardtail S Works M2 in the Grand Vet category and hacks the trails on a Dawes.

OS/2: Windows with bullet-proof glass.

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