I'd like to rephrase my question, please...

I get "permission denied" errors when I try to mount the NFS filesystem on
the server.
I am logged in as root when I attempt this.
I have full permission to the related directories, ie, chmod 777 *

What is happening?
Has NFS been loaded behind my back. I suspect not since I was unable to
"Add NFS" during the RH5 install so I installed without "Adding NFS".

thanks,  Keith

Keith von Borstel wrote:

> Hi again,
> I seem to have missed the point somewhere...
> During install of RH5 I attempted to "Add NFS" and was told that the
> filesystem couldn't be mounted.
> I installed w/o NFS.
> Next created dir's and tried to mount NFS but was told that I didn't have
> correct permissions even tho I was logged in as root.

Michael Jinks wrote:

This sounds like a misconfiguration on the machine which is exporting the NFS
resource.  What does your /etc/hosts.allow look like on the exporting
machine?  How
about its /etc/exports?

Root access on the importing machine doesn't have anything to do with
getting the
proper access on the remote machine.

~       Keith - http://foothill.net/~keithvb            e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
~       Susan - http://foothill.net/~susanvb    e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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