On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Braden N. McDaniel wrote:

> > 
> > There is a link between the SCSI drive 0 and your cdrom device.  Is this
> > where your cdrom is (I doubt it.)  Link it to the appropraite device and
> > you should be good to go.
> How do I do this? ln /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom ?

Like This:

        cd /dev
        ln -s scd0 cdrom

All done!

John Darrah (u05192)    | Dept: N/C Programming
Giddens Industries      |
PO box 3190             | Ph: (206) 767-4212 #229
Everett  WA    98203    | Fx: (206) 764-9639

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