I recently moved a scsi Conner 4324RP Python Dat Tape Drive from a Pentium/120 with a Buslogic BT948 scsi controller to a Pentium Pro/200 with a DTC3130B scsi controller (uses the NCR 53c815 driver). For the year & a half that I used the tape drive with the buslogic controller I had no problems whatsoever. I use the tape primarily for tape backups of the local machine and another server which I mount (nfs) for that purpose.

However, with the new configuration, I now get frequent error messages following a tape backup (using 'find' & 'cpio'). I sometimes get an error when backing up the local machine and sometimes when backing up the mounted directory. The latest errors (today) were displayed following the backup of the mounted directory (backup of the local machine went smoothly with no error messages). After I got the first error after backing up several sub-dirs, I thought perhaps the fact that the web server was running on the mounted system while I was backing up those dirs was causing a problem, so I shut it down before backing up the remaining sub-dirs. But I still got a scsi error message, tho a little different:

First error message: (apache server running on mounted system)
Apr 27 08:58:31 rajah kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 1590475, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Read (6) 08 30 10 02 00
Apr 27 08:58:31 rajah kernel: scsi0 : DANGER : command running, can not abort.

Second error message: (apache server not running)
Apr 27 08:58:32 rajah kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 1590476, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Read (10) 00 00 3c 5a 33 00 00 02 00
Apr 27 08:58:32 rajah kernel: scsi0 : found command 1590476 in Linux issue queue

I would greatly appreciate any info/advise on what the problem might be and how I might resolve it. BTW, the mounted system is running RH 5.0 & the local system is running RH 4.2.

Thanks in advance.


Mairi Maloney
Coordinator, Computer Operations
School of Information Resources and Library Science
University of Arizona

"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why
the poor have no food, they call me a communist."
Dom Helder Camara, Archbishop of Brazil

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