>   TRi> "         Dell spokesman T.R. Reid said ...
>   TRi>    [...]
>   TRi>           Though some estimates place the current population of Linux
>   TRi>    users at 5 million to 10 million, "I haven't been able to find any
>   TRi>    examples of customers requesting Linux," Reid said. [...]"
>   TRi> He, he, he... Well, I for one asked Dell about Linux machines -
>   TRi> never got an answer (other than their usual brochure),
>   TRi> though... :-}
> Me too.   And I work for a Dell VAR.

I have gone 'round and 'round with Gateway a couple times about Microsoft
software and Linux.  They didn't like to stand behind the hardware warranty
if you had changed the HDD from what they shipped from the factory.  I've
aksed them to consider installing Linux and asked them to not send me some M$
software (for credit), but each time they stuck to their guns.

I'm quite confident Dell's spokesman cannot find any examples of customers
requesting Linux, but that just means no one told that mushroom about it...


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