> On the suggestion of Dave Wresky, I just took a look at the ProxyArp
> mini-Howto on Sunsite.
> And I'm confused.
> What's the practical difference between proxy-arp and plain old
> IP aliasing?

They are totally different.  IP aliasing is binding two or more IP
addresses to a single interface.  Proxyarp is when a server answers
requests for communications with your machine for you.  Typically this is
used with PPP servers, since the clients won't have a MAC address.

> In case it matters, my goal is to set up a bastion server so that it
> routes certain requests to the internal network, depending upon which
> IP address and port are specified in the incoming packet.  At this point
> it seems like proxy-arp and ip aliasing will both allow me to get the
> bastion box answering on two or more IP addresses, but since this
> machine is security-sensitive I don't want to blindly choose one or the
> other.

If you draw out a diagram it would be more clear.  You can masquerade two
or more IP addresses with simple aliases.  It sounds like a good routing
configuration will help your data find its way.


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