Coming from an Amiga background (not a wintel one), it's not unlike a case
of de_ja_vu looking at this debate...and of course, surely appreciated :)
However, I really have to wonder of the merits such war declaration would
have...seems to me, MS have (and continue to) hold and fight for the huge
slice of market they have, and of course in a coporate sense, we should
not find it surprizing they would want to expand on this...and in sight of
and notwithstanding their business wranglings in court against various and
sundry, ultimately the choice remains with the >individual<

If I was to suppose myself a lawyer, I would be considering closly the
argument that if a person really wanted to run linux on their PC, they
could, without even having any contact with MS themselves in  anyway. It
is where marketting stratergies infringe on individual's rights at this
level, that the user should be worried about. Anyone can still go out and
get a linux_dist and stick it on their PC even though that same machine
was purchased by them, from an authorized MS reseller of the installed
(mainly) win95 software. 

  In real terms, and whether right or wrong..ethical or not...the end
equation is big_bucks_RAWK. Having worked for an ISP (and still doing home
training) visiting computer/internet 'newbies' about some of the base
things about their shiny new purchase and internet procedures with
browsers/email and so on...I can tell you in the most part, none of them
were even aware, understood, knew of, cared about or even knew of the
existance of linux..or any other issues.

 Their entry into the world's computer fraternity was based on other
issues, such as price, compatibility, and a need to run a system more or
less totally compatible with their friend's systems, what their children's
schooling necessitates, or what the support sticker says on the box of a
game/bit_of_kit in the local computer store. Nothing more.

Believe me, it's this end  of the market where the war has already been
won...if I had this behind me, I think I could buy my way into or out of
anything I damn well liked. <grin>

 As it is though, I'm nearly always broke...and surely thankful to the
powers that be, that it *is* the way it is, because the existance of the
MS product in the way that it has become, ensures me lots of work training
people and fixing/upgrading hardware bitz and this pays the bills. (sic :)

 At any other time, I can relax infront of the rhl box. Does reality care?



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