>From what you describe... you have to masq.  The main issue is that your
isp is only going to issue you one ip which is assigned to your ppp link.
You can route the traffic from the other linux boxes through the ppp link,
but you'll never get anything back... when the remote machine trys to send
anything your isp does not know how to get the data to you b/c it's unaware
of the machines on your side of the ppp link ( this is providing the data
even gets back to your isp... depends on the ips you use ).  The only way
around this is to obtain valid ips from your isp and then inform the isp
how to route to them ( i.e. through your ppp link ).  This is a lot more
trouble than it's worth.  Our internet gateway is a K6/333 masq'ing on a
cable modem.  Its handled a maxium throughput of 200Kps (Kbytes not Kbits)
without any problems... matter of fact, I don't think we've any problems
that we could trace to masq'ing.

As far as having an address someone can always go to, look at the dynamic
host project at monolith ( http://www.ml.org/ ).  You can setup an addr
such as alfonso.dyn.ml.org and change the ip as yours changes... with a
little scripting you can set this and masq'ing up to be transparent when
you dial in.

good luck, 


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Jinks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: other option than IP Masquerade?

Alfonso Barreto Lopez wrote:
> I want to make some Linux boxes to access internet via other Linux Box
> that has PPP, is this the only option?

Well, maybe.

If your ISP won't provide a static IP address for your ppp connection,
then I think you'll probably have to masquerade.  You also won't be able
to offer incoming services easily.  Incoming services get easier with a
static IP address, but that still doesn't take care of the other
machines (besides the one with the ppp link).

But if your ISP will provide you with a static IP address for each of
your machines, then you're set: just connect with the one machine
through ppp, and have it set up as a router.

Hope this helps. . . 

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