On Fri, 1 May 1998, Jack Hatfield wrote:
> Any reason why radius would die. And is there anything that can check the
> d@$n thing and then restart the thing if it is in fact not running.
I can't just tell you why radius would die, but it is simple enough to
resolve this problem. When you start the process, record the pid in a
lock file somewhere. From time to time (cron) check to see if that
process has died. Something like
( ps aux | grep `cat lockfile` | grep -q -v radiusd )
will return 0 if radiusd has died and 1 if it has not died. You can use
this return value and take appropriate action. (start a new radiusd and
also rewrite the pidfile).
( ps aux | grep `cat lockfile` | grep -c radiusd )
This version would print to stdout 1 if radiusd is alive and 0 if it has
died. (Which to use depends on how you like to do shell scripts).
> I also noticed that 2 processes for radius are running and then when there
> is only 1 it does not work either.
If your radius is multithreaded (mine isn't but I think some are), it will
show two process entries.
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