On  3 May, Darque wrote:
> OK...I give up.  I have looked and looked, but been unable to find any
> instructions anywhere on what I need to change to make X load a different
> window manager than the Fvwm that cam on my RH5.0 CD.  I have D/L'd Afterstep,
> and would like to try that, but I am at a loss...
> Also, can anyone tell me how I am supposed to get my PPP connection when I am
> not logged in as root?  It seems that to make this happen, I have to activate
> it through the Network Config tool, but can only get to that as root. 
> Thanx in advance!
> jdk

>From my root directory here's my .xinitrc (I run AfterStep!).  I've
commented it so as to explain what each line is doing! (it's simple!)

exec rxvt -fg yellow -bg black -pixmap /home/chuck/porttree.xpm -T 'ws.moongroup
.org -Main' &

#the previous line sets up an xterm (rxvt is an xterm clone which
supports colored backgrounds)

exec ical &
#the previous line runs my calendar program on bootup of the WM
#exec fvwm

#the previous line is commented out... it runs the fvwm WM if it's not
commented out!

exec afterstep

#the previous line executes the AfterStep WM and should be the last
line in the file

Additionally there is an excellent AfterStep mailing list available...
Here's a bunch of URL info on that:

WWW:   http://www.afterstep.org/
FTP:   ftp://ftp.afterstep.org/
MAIL:  http://wormhole.eosys.com/mailing-lists/AfterStep-Info.html
FAQ:   http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/zamboni/afterstep/FAQ.html


Mr. Chuck Mead
And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.

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