after *endless* months trying to live with a NT internet server which
performed horribly and crashed regularly (the record was 19 times in
*one* hour), the management at my company at last agreed to try out
a machine running RedHat linux.  hurrah!  BUT i'm having a problem
with forwarding IP traffic between two ethernet cards.

       ------         +------------------+
  ---- router --------| aaa.bbb.ccc.dde  |
       ------         |                  |
    aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd   |       "A"        |
                      |                  |
                      |                  |
                      | |----+
                      +------------------+    |
                                              |       +--------------+
                                            -------   |    "B"       |
                                            | hub |---| |
                                            -------   |              |

the two ethernet cards in machine "A" are 3com 3c905 PCI cards
(as is the card in "B" if that matters).  both A and B are Pentiums'
running linux 2.0.33.  the router is an ADSL "modem" and the hub is
from 3com.

A's kernel has ip_forwarding, firewall, ip_firewall, ip_masquerading, etc
compiled in.  A can ping the router and out past it.  it can also ping B
and other machines in the interior network.  our ISP can ping both the
router and A, but can't ping B (which i expected since B has a private

B can ping other machines in the interior network and A, but B _cannot_
ping the router or past it.

i have read the firewall/ip-masquerade/... HOWTOs, but cannot for the
life of me figure out what it is that i have to do to get packets from
B to the router successfully.

if anybody can help, please do.  the alternative of having to go back
to using NT is too horrible to contemplate!

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