Hi all ! 
I posted a message about a problem I have with my internet connection.
Someone suggested that I should look in /etc/resolv.conf and check if it 
was pointing at the correct name-server, so I did and it contains tree
Domain ( it says: search <my domain> )
Primary DNS
secondary DNS
And the settings are correct. I still have the same problem with my internet

This is how it is:

When I boot my comp. and start communicator (or any other browser) I can 
surfe the net, but only for about 2 min. then I get this error:

Warning: the following hosts are unknown:
This means that some or all hosts will be unreachable.
Perhaps there is a problem with your name server?
if your site must use a non-root name server you will
need to set the $SOCKS_NL environment variable to
point at the appropriate name server. it may (or 
may not) be necessary to set this variable, or the 
SOCK host preferences, to the IP address of the host
in question rather than its name
Consult you system administrator

Well, I don't understand much of this. What exactly is it I have to do ?
If I reboot my comp. then I can surfe the net again ( for about 2 min. )

I have had this problem before, but then I just reinstalled and chosed to
install only selected packages and then there was no problem. It seems
that whenever I install everything I get this error. (maby a conflicting
program ?) I have no problem sending and receiving E-Mail and I can 
read and post to news-groups without problems !
I really don't want to reinstall again, but would prefere to fix this.

I am connected via a LAN and I have looked up all settings using
"netcfg" and everything was correct ( I'm almost 100 % sure of this ) !
I use RH5.0 and KDE-Beta4-1

Any suggestions to a fix will be highly appreciated !

Thanks again.

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