On Wed, 6 May 1998, Stephan Greene wrote:

> On Wed, 6 May 1998, Ezekiel J. Krahlin wrote:
> > What is available for Red Hat 5.0, in the way of antivirus programs? Thanks
> > in advance.
> I believe there is a version of Network Associates (ex McAfee) virsu
> scanner software that runs fine on Linux.  There may be others as well
> that a web search would find.  
> FWIW, the McAfee scanner will detect MSDOS/Windows virii as long as they
> are on an uncompressed (no .zip, .tar.gz) file on the Linux box file
> system.  
> Steve

Since there's only one known Linux virus in existance, Bliss, McAfee's
virus scanner is only for looking for DOS/Windows viruses.  If your
concern as to a virus scanner for RedHat is that your Linux system will
get infected with viruses, worry not about viruses, just stay up to date
on security and bugfixes.

Here's the help screen from uvscan (McAfee's scanner):

Usage: uvscan [option list] <file>

 -c, --clean                      clean infected files (when possible.)
 -d, --data-directory DIRECTORY   use data files in DIRECTORY.
     --delete                     delete infected files.
 -e, --exit-on-error              exit immediately upon encountering
 -f, --file FILE                  get a list of files to scan from FILE.
 -h, --help                       print (this) help information.
     --ignore-compressed          ignore compressed files.
     --ignore-links               don't follow symbolic links.
 -m, --move DIRECTORY             move files to DIRECTORY, preserving
     --one-file-system            don't descend directories on other
 -r, --recursive                  scan directories recursively.
 -s, --selected                   scan only selected files.
     --summary                    show summary results after scanning.
 -v, --verbose                    verbosely report progress.
     --virus-list                 display information on known viruses.

>From the man page:

              Do not scan compressed files.  By  default,  Uvscan
              will  internally unpack certain kinds of compressed
              files and scan the decompressed form.



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