I recently added a second hard disk to my machine, and decided to do a
second install of redhat on it so as to correct all the mess that I've
made on my current system. Anyway, I now need a way to boot it since I
didn't want to trash my ability to boot at present. As it stands no, the
new install has boot located in /dev/hdb1 while my running install is
/dev/hda2 (Win95 also resides on hda). I've been fiddling here with the
lilo.conf to try and get it to boot with the new install to but to no

I've attached my lilo.conf (After my screwing with it. The last stanza is
the only altered part though.) in the hopes that someone can point out
what I need to adjust. I've been over the lilo and lilo.conf man pages and
the LDP looking for lilo stuff but have had no success yet. Any


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