> I have a Red Hat 4.2 box set up to do IP masquerading and act as a
> gateway for the rest of my network to connect to the Internet.  It was
> working fine and I shut the connection down and later brought it back
> up.  From that point on it no longer works.  I've looked at netcfg and
> the logs and what it is doing is using the destination IP, or the ISP's
> Server IP address as the defaultroute instead of the IP number that they
> assign me.  I have no idea as to why it has switched!  As I said it was
> working and now it does this switching thing with the IP numbers.  Any
> help would be appreciated! And thank you in advance. 

Check the /etc/sysconfig/network file for GATEWAY and GATEWAYDEV to make
sure they are correct.


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