On Sun, 10 May 1998, Kevin A. Pieckiel wrote:

->A friend has RHL 5.0 on his compaq.  Linux doesn't see his modem.
->It's on the second com port, IRQ 3, base addy 2F8 (usual params)
->when he runs Win95 but Linux only sees com 1 on bootup.  I'm
->guessing it's a plug and play modem, but that's not been
->confirmed.  As the subject states, Win95 says in the device
->manager that it's a Compaq Presario 56K flex modem....
Hi Kevin,

Knowing Compaq it's probably a "Winmodem" meaning that it only runs
under Windows. Like there're some printers that only run under Win 3.xx,
95 & NT. Solution...??????????...


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