   cron.daily, cron.weekly are directories. run-parts actually executes the
scripts in each of these directories, if they are executable scripts.  These
have nothing to do with rebooting your system.  If you go to each of these
directories you will find several programs in the directories.  Each script
does something different.  You might want to investigate what they do by
looking into them.
   As for the crontab file you will get lots of information from the
man crontab
man cron
man 5 crontab
   This last one will explain the date time formats in good detail.  I don't
know why you would want to reboot your PC once a day but placing the
shutdown command as you have it will reboot it, despite the fact that
someone might be logged in.  I'm assuming you want to do this to go back to
windows or some such thing?
   Anyhow your on the right track with using the shutdown -r now command,
just read up on the crontab format and I believe you won't have any trouble.
You should enter the entire path for shutdown, like:

/sbin/shutdown -r now

... Steve

John Herrbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <newbie hat fully in place here>
> Ok, I see cron.daily, cron.weekly, etc.  How do I schedule for the machine
> to shutdown and perform a reboot once a day?  Do I put a script in
> cron.daily?  I see one there (or in one of them) so I'll copy the format.
> Just add 'shutdown -r now' I presume?  I have no Xwindows on this system
> (for space reasons).
> How can I find out what time cron.daily will run?  Does it run exactly at
> midnight?
> Please excuse the newbie attire, I'll try to find more suitable clothing
> in
> the future.....
> John Herrbach, Lansing, MI
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
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... steve


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