At 06:24 PM 5/13/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Anybody got qpopper-2.4 working shadow passwords ? When I try to compile I 
>have this error at the end :


>pop_pass.o: In function `auth_user':
>/usr/local/src/qpopper2.4/pop_pass.c:464: undefined reference to `pw_encrypt'
>make: *** [popper] Error 1

What I did to get it to work was download the SRPM for qpopper-2.3 and grep
for pw_encrypt in the patch file.  Sure enough, there was a fix.  To keep
you from having to do that, here's the fix:
edit pop_pass.c and go to line 464 you'll see the following line:
(strcmp(crypt(p->pop_parm[1], pw->pw_passwd), pw->pw_passwd) &&
        strcmp(pw_encrypt(p->pop_parm[1], pw->pw_passwd), pw->pw_passwd))) {
replace that with:
(strcmp(crypt(p->pop_parm[1], pw->pw_passwd), pw->pw_passwd) )) {

Then, make clean, ./configure, make.  I've not extensively tested this,
but I was able to log in to qpopper a few times, so I assume it's working...

Let us know if it works!


P.S. I've found that if there's not a SRPM for the version of software
I'm trying to compile that if I download an older SRPM and hand apply
some of the patches, I can usually get things working.

Mike Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer - Prototype Development
GTE Government Systems - All opinions are mine, not GTE's.

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