What I need is to get such information through the function call, not through
the command line. So that I can put it in my program. My Program needs that.
Scott Skrogstad wrote:
> Just type df -k and that will show you all the mounted partitions and
> there sizes..
> Scott Skrogstad
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 10:05 AM
> Subject: How to get the block size of the disk
> I try to use the function call l to get the disk
> information.
> I want to know:
> 1. How much free space does a disk have.
> 2. The block size of the disk.
> 3. The sector size of the disk
> I wonder how I can do that through the function call,
> which function I
> should use?
> Thanks
> --
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