On Fri, Nov 05, 1999 at 06:30:49PM -0500, Duncan Hill wrote:
> Excuse me for comparing to Windows here, but at some point it has to
> happen.
> KnoWare Inc (knowareinc.com) makes a product for Windows 9x that
> allows one to map a drive to a FTP server.  Does anything similar
> exist for Linux?  Ie, I do something like:
> ftpmount dhill@remotehost:/web/dhill /home/dhill/webspace
> and mount my ISPs homepage space for myself in my home directory.
> Timeouts would obviously happen, so the mount program would have to
> re-connect automatically.

I remember these used to be a program we played with in uni called alex
which did this.

NFI whether this is the official URL, but altavista found it first:



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