Can you tell at which cluster the mkefs2 is stopping?

Here is what I am thinking:

Creat a smaller partition in such away that the center of the partition
falls near the same cluster that the mkefs2 stopped.
Then go back and see if the mkefs2 fails agin on this new partition at the
same cluster.  I thinking you way have a hardware problem.

"Barry K. Myrvold" wrote:

>     Need some help with a new server.  Just purchased a dell poweredge
> server 2300 with RH6.0 pre-installed to use as our firm's file and print
> server.  The machine came with five  ~7 gig scsi drives with raid.
> When we looked at the file structure it had the usual RH
> partitions/directories except /home in about 2 gigs of space.  We
> created  a home partition with the remaining ~32 gigs and ran mkefs2 to
> create the file structure in it, but after writing about 1,200 to 1,800
> of the total of about 4,800 clusters, mkefs2 simply stalled out and
> stopped creating the file system. (The missing home partition in the
> original configuration was curious and makes me wonder whether or not
> the dell technicians who originally set up the server encountered the
> same problem and simply shipped it out that way hoping we might solve
> it, or is it normal to ship a linux server without a /home directory?)
> Is this a mkefs2 problem in that it only works on directories under a
> certain size or is it a problem with raid, or both?
>     Occasionally sysrq would start the count up again but the file
> structure was never properly written.  We also tried on a much smaller
> partition, e.g.,  20 gig, and the same thing happened.  We are now
> serving files on a barely adequate 5 gig home partition and losing the
> benefit of the other 27 gigs we purchased.
>     If I can't get this fixed within the week, I may have to return this
> server to dell and go with a another server package like nt, or lose my
> job.  Dell and Linuxcare, although responsive, have not been able to
> help us with this problem.  Does anyone know what is going wrong?
> Desperately yours,
> Barry
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