On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 08:42:37AM -0500, George Lenzer wrote:
> This past week I ran into some problems on my RedHat 6.0 IP Masq box at 
> home.  I was no longer able to 'ssh' to the machine and my friends were 
> unable to connect to the Quake3test server with any reliability.  (They 
> could connect, but only for a few moments with a lot more lag than usual)

Sounds more like one of two things.  Either normal network congestion, or
your ISP does not like you hosting a server behind their router and is
either port blocking you or choking you off.

> I 
> had installed a fresh copy of RH 6.0 (without any security updates) on Oct. 
> 2.  Before I put the machine on the Internet, I installed Portsentry.  I had 
> hoped that installing Portsentry and disabling everything except the bare 
> essentials, including; HTTPD, IPOP3D (with IMAP disbaled), DHCPD, and SAMBA 
> would protect me from most exploits.  Apparently not.  This is what I found 
> on my system after attempting to back everything up:

In the run levels, shut off every daemon that does not actually do anything.
In /etc/inetd.conf, comment out any services you don't need.  I usually only
leave telnet, ftp, and auth open.  In hosts.deny, put "ALL : ALL", and in
hosts.allow, put "ALL:" and "in.identd: ALL".  You can add the IP of any
allowed hosts to the "ALL:" line if you wish.  Just for a dialup session,
it's unlikely you'll need any more security than that, and you can then start
adding IP-Chains rules if you do.

> In /usr/bin, there was a symlink called 'mh' which pointed to '.'  There 
> were also quite a few other symlinks that I hadn't seen on my other RedHat 
> systems but could have been part of something I installed.  The date the 
> 'mh' symlink was created was Oct. 6.  There was also a symlink called '[' 
> which pointed to a binary on the system called 'test'.  There were quite a 
> few symlinks that pointed to things like '../../sbin/halt', etc...  These 
> MAY be normal, but have not seen them before and would suspect they are the 
> signs of a compromised box.

Who dude, slow down and chill.  THIS IS NORMAL.
> I am going to zero out the hard drive and re-install RH Linux again.  This 
> time I am going with RH 6.1 and the latest security updates.  I will also 
> install the latest Portsentry and 'ssh/sshd'.  Lastly, before I put the box 
> on the net, I will run a checksum program (like TripWire) that way I will be 
> able to verify that something has changed in the future.

Don't bother.  RPM keeps an MD5 sum on every file.  Do an rpm verify.  See man

> The question;  Is there a decent RedHat only security list that may keep me 
> abreast of the latest exploits and provide more security info than this list 
> can?
> Thanks,
> George Lenzer
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J. Scott Kasten

jsk AT tetracon-eng DOT net

"That wasn't an attack.  It was preemptive retaliation!"

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