
Yep.  That would work better.  The system you just mentioned blocks the IP
addresses of KNOWN spammers. The system [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
vger.rutgers.edu use block Linux boxes with dial-up accounts who are using
their box as their MTA. I find it odd that mailhelp exists to explain to
us how to use Linux as our own MTA, but when we do so they block us from
using their site.  The configuration they've told me I HAVE to use to
access their list requires me to use my ISP as my MTA.  They might as well
tell me to bury Linux and use Windows - same end configuration.

I'm truly sorry I use Linux on my home PC.  And I'm sorry that I'm
Internet trash for doing so.


On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, Mike A. Lewis wrote:

>Wouldn't the realtime blackhole list be a better alternative ?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Glen Lee Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 2:17 PM
>> Subject: Re: test post
>> Thanks, Leonid.
>> I suppose that one way to set this up would be to take every 
>> list that I
>> have mail coming in from; ^TO.*<listname>, have this mail 
>> sorted to the
>> specific folders.  Then have mail addressed directly to me;
>> ^TO.*(glenlee|GLEdwards) sent to a special folder.  That 
>> should take care
>> of all expected mail.  Anything that isn't filtered by the 
>> above goes to
>> /dev/null.  Is there some way in Procmail to return a letter 
>> to the sender
>> with a rejection message?  I'm currently doing this from 
>> /etc/mail/deny.
>> Some Linux lists are using a service called http://mail-abuse.org to
>> filter out spammers.  Problem with this service is that it not only
>> focuses on known spammers, it also checks for certain Linux mailer
>> configurations, and if you have this configuration your mail 
>> is rejected
>> from the list even if you've never sent a spam mail in your 
>> life.  It's
>> the Hitler mentality.  Hitler slaughtered legions of Jews because he
>> believed they had the potential for world economic domination 
>> and because
>> he considered them to be an inferior race.  They weren't slaughtered
>> because of personal crimes they as individuals committed, but 
>> because they
>> had the potential to do so.  mail-abuse.org follows this 
>> lead, rejecting
>> mail sent from Linux boxes with certain configurations 
>> because they have
>> the potential to spam, not because they have.
>> Big brother is coming.  In a computer dominated society once 
>> he controls
>> all our boxes he controls us.
>> Glen

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