All of a sudden, the console and all xterms on the box of a friend of
mine are doing something very strange.  If she tries say:
export | grep TERM, it returns a blank line, and then _2_ prompts.
If she presses the enter key, she gets back 2 prompts.

This indicates to me that Linux is somehow thinking that her enter key
is actually 2 enter keys.  Also, at the login prompt, if she types the
user name, two blank lines appear, then the password prompt.  Consoles
1 through 6 exhibit this.

I've had her reload the keyboard maps, verify bash, SysVinit and
console-tools, and rpm says they're all good (apart from a missing S75
link which we rebuilt).  I'm stumped now.. it lasts across reboots and

Anybody ever seen this and know a fix?


Duncan Hill                     Sapere aude
One net to rule them all, One net to find them,
One net to bring them all, and using Unix bind them.

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