Hi there,

I'm trying to configure apache 1.3.9 + php 3.0.12 + MySQL 3.22.27, MySQL 
doesn't complain, neither does php when i used a .php3 script =) but 
trouble appears as i couldn't run any cgi off my default httpd user www for 
a user eg. test as a virtual
host. In my logs it shows permission denied, but if i change the rights of 
the cgi-bin dir to www, it works fine.

Is there any work around? I suppose suEXEC is the correct bin to use, but 
somehow mine doesn't work as expected with all the --suexec options in 
apache configuration.

Is there an apache mailing list around ??? I don't seem to find any except 
the announcement list in their webpage.

Any help would do great!


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