On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Edward Dekkers wrote:


->Seems he's wrong. My 95/98 boxes log onto SAMBA as an NT server. Even run

*** What's your secret!?

I calmed down a bit since Sunday but it did cost me a keyboard and the
piece of the screen housing to blow off steam.

My setup at home is basic. Linux as a file & application server and a
Win95 box that is connected to it. Everything works perfect. My girlfriend
is happy (It's her PC), I'm happy (Win backups are easier), everybody is
basically very happy. Even the cat (it has one more keyboard to walk

I stop the Win box for the weekend, switch it on Sunday night... no
network. The Win box can be pinged, ftp-ed, it can ping & ftp the linux
server, but no network. The window PC doesn't even see it self in Network
neighbourhood. This happened while nobody used the PC! I was an inch from
shuving the damn thing through the window. I live on the 5th floor so it
would've given me a lot of satisfaction.

I'm close to giving up and learning my girlfriend how to use a Mac. I
can't cope with this Windows shit anymore. The worst thing is I'm loosing
so much time on figuring out each time why it doesn't work now while it
worked 5 minutes ago that I don't have time to do something useful.

To make things worse, I noted all the configuration changes and steps I
did on the Win box in order to be able to repeat it. Ofcourse, the same
configuration doesn't work.

I won't bother anyone with question why it doesn't work (releasing a bit
more steam helps allready a lot) since I don't think it's worth spending
time over it. Just would like to know if more people had the same
experience of the Win <--> Linux communication going this way without the
Linux setup being the cause.

The Win PC is sitting right there in the corner looking at me in a funny
way; I'm sure it feels I hate its guts... Hell, there I go, I burned my
last fuse... ;-)))

   _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ 
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