Hey Vidiot, 

I found that if i turned off java and javascript in netscape i could go
straight to www.fox.com/flash_front.html (where I would have been sent had
I been on win) and cruise the site from there.  Big blank patch where the
shockwave stuff should have been though.  I could as go to
nonflash_front.html for a shockwave free version and a polite note saying
I could get more out of the site with a new plugin.  If I left java on
it'd use it to send me back to rejection page - even from the nonflash
front page.  (Err... why have it you still send people away?)

But that's all academic isn't it?  Who wants to have to look at front page
source to get to the content?  Man.. that rejection page sticks in the
throat doens't it?  "You don't use windows, you are beneath us. You smell
bad and you are not welcome."

Urgh... short sighted so and so's...


On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Vidiot wrote:

> Fellow Linux users:
> The suits at fox.com have decided that unless you run Windoze or MacOS,
> you cannot visit their web site.  Try accessing fox.com with a Linux/Unix
> box and watch what happens.
> I just can't believe how arrogant they are.  The decision had to have been
> made by a person in a suit, wearing a tie that was too tight.
> They are going to get a lot of flack over this one.  I for one will be letting
> the trades know about their arrogance.
> MB

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