"Jacob Schmude
> After I installed linuxconf 1.16r7, something happened to my configuration utils, 
>including linuxconf itself. For example, sndconfig, netconfig, and timeconfig were 
>effected. The problem is that instead of displaying the little lines for a border and 
>around the buttons, now it displays 1mū. Needless to say, this is extremely annoying.

Does this happen on the console, or in a terminal of some type?  If it's
in a terminal, then which one?  And what happens when you 'echo $TERM'?

It sounds like your terminal type isn't being set properly, which
shouldn't be related to linuxconf, unless it's done something wierd to
your console's TERM type.

If it's X terminals that are giving you grief, try switching to a
different terminal.  rxvt, gnome-terminal, xterm, kvt, konsole are all
terminal emulators, and a good number of them are probably installed on
your system.  Try using different terminal emulators, see which ones
have the problem, and see what TERM variable is set.  Also, see if you
get the same results after 'export TERM=vt100' as after 'export


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