Okay. So I've decided to take the plunge and try the upgrade from 5.2,
but I have some areas I'm unsure about...

The KDE thing has me worried. As I see it I can't just upgrade KDE with
the rest as it will be in the 'wrong' place. So I'm thinking I'm going
to need to uninstall KDE, upgrade, then reinstall KDE. Qt should be okay
tho, right?

Now AFAIK glint is gone which means I'll need to use the command line to
install KDE again, that's no biggie. Pity tho, altho I do like kpackage,
which I'll use once the basics of KDE are up. 

Any hints as to what spare disk space I will need. I'm low on disk
space. Need a new drive, sure, but my box is full and a nice new 8 gig
would be nice, but it's not going to be simple. Hence the idea just to
upgrade for the moment. Due to upgrades over the years the disk is a
little messy, ie:::

Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda6             657613  571371    52274     92%   /
/dev/hda2             308280  242560    65720     79%   /win95
/dev/hdb2             923040  322592   600448     35%   /dos1
/dev/hdb5             199047  156754    32013     83%   /archive
/dev/hdb6             901377  676089   178720     79%   /usr  

The spare space on /dos1 is for xcdroast images (I backup on CD-R as
magnetic media is a pain in the tropics)

/ is taken up mostly with /home which is having a major cleanout and
will be reduced, plus KDE will be taken from /opt which will make more
room there.

Obviously the concern is with /usr and whether there is enough room for
the upgrade, then I have to get KDE in. I have Staroffice and WP8 which
I use both of, and I'm not sure what else I can pull out of there. I
could remove Staroffice for the upgrade as it is 5.0 and I believe I
need to upgrade to 5.1, which I now have.

Any hints and pitfalls welcome. Think I'm on the right track. /home /etc
and /usr/local are backed up, of course, and I'll need to compile the
kernal for scsi-emu later on. Am I missing anything. Do I need more disk
space for the upgrade...



  Tim & Therese Fairchild
  Atchafalaya Border Collies.
  Kuttabul, Queensland, Australia.
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