Hi everybody,

CD can be mounted and unmounted at "root" but can only be mounted in "user".
Unmount at "user" is impossible.  Every time when try to unmount it at
"user" following warning displays;

Could not unmount
Error log:

unmount  /dev/hdb  is not in the fstab (and you are not root)

Entry in fstab file is as follows:

/dev/hda5         /                    ext2         defaults              1
/dev/hda6        swap              swap       defaults              0  0
/dev/fd0           mnt/floppy      ext2         noauto                0  0
/dev/cdrom       /mnt/cdrom    iso9660    noauto,user,ro    0  0
none                /proc              proc        defaults              0
none                /dev/pts          devpts     mode=0622        0  0

if change /mnt/cdrom in the 4th line to read as;

/dev/cdrom      /cdrom        iso9660   noauto,user,ro   0  0

CD can't be mounted at "user"

symbolic link files

ln -s  /dev/hda5  /dev/cdrom
ln -s  /dev/hdb   /dev/cdrom

already exist

Kindly advise.  Also what is the last 2 lines represent for

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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