Hey Gordon, is there a Web design software that uses WYSIWYG for Linux?  I
have been away from web designing so I lost all knowledge?

If so, point me to that direction.  I know that GIMP is an ok graphics app.

Craig Christensen

-----Original Message-----
Gordon Messmer
Sent: Friday, November 26, 1999 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: Web page design

Phil Risby wrote:
> Let me apologise for starters should any of my current frustration show
> through these words

Oh, I can understand that... :)

> This dear sweet lady, the web page designer has not even heard of linux
> and was somewhat rude on the phone about me selling
> systems that noone uses or has ever heard of.

Does this dear sweet old lady listen to the news?  Read the paper?  Or
any magazines?  I was talking to a couple of friends of mine several
months ago, and extolling the benefits of Linux.  I talked to them some
weeks ago, and while they had not heard of Linux before I spoke with
them the first time, they've heard plenty of it since.

> (Its not even compatible with the internet she stated) -------- I did
> tell her what I new about that!

Like that a large portion of the internet is actually run by Linux
boxen?  That most of the email she recieves probably passed through a
box running linux/sendmail?  That there's a good chance every name
lookup she makes when she surfs the net is answered by a Linux box at
her ISP?

> So someone producing web pages with Frontpage, suning all their
> extensions , does this output html or some otherr M$*it format

It's mostly HTML, with some common CGI's provided (counters, form

> My client needs a system to see and upload pages to the net. He has this
> b***h writing his pages for him in Front Page
> and ( in her own words) she only writes for people running MS windows (
> nothing else exists out there she says)

No, of course not.  Fact is, that there are vast numbers of web page
designers who don't even know what HTML is.  In my humble opinion, most
of these people lack the asthetic sence that God gave to a frog.  I've
seen some of the worst eyesore pages come out of these folk, and still
manage to WOW some poor smuck, because he now has a web page.  Quality
won't make any difference untill someone slaps him and says "Yeah, but
it's uglier than sin!" and shows him why.  (Behold my own frustration,

If she want's to use FrontPage, then she proably has it at home, why
insist that everyone use what you use?  (Yes I know the answer to that

Anyway, my mom uses WebMaker and KFM.  She learned HTML herself, designs
her own web pages, and uses KFM to drag'n'drop publish them.  It's not a
bad system, but I think that screem is progressing much faster than
WebMaker at the moment.  I may switch her over to that after a while.


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