Evening Everyone:

I just noticed something happening in pine.  I maintain folders for a lot
fo the emails I receive so I can save the information for future
questions.  I use "l" after opening up pine to select the folder I want to
go into.  Well, I just noticed that if my listing of gropus is longer than
one screen, and I scroll down to one of the groups listed lower, go into,
and then hit "l" to try to go back to INBOX, INBOX doesn't show up in the
listing of groups.  However, if I then go into another group listed on the
first screen, and hit "l" again to get the listing of groups back, INBOX
now shows up.

Anyone else run into this?

I'm running a stock Red Hat 6.1 with all of the updates applied.  RPM
lists my version of pine as pine-4.10-3

- Mike

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