FWIW - I installed yesterday, Corellinux v1.0 just to see what it looked

I was very impressed with the install.  Even easier than winblows9x.  I
believe there were two questions asked me during the install.  I asked for a
custom install rather than desktop, or server.  I'm sure because of that
answer, it asked me to check the packages I wanted to install.  AFAIR, that
was all of the questions.

When it first came up it asked me to login (as root).  Apparently, there is
no root password at that point.  Then it asked me to set the root password.

The desktop was very windowish like.  I decided to setup my NIC, but when I
went to set it up, lo and behold, it was already done.  I tried pinging
something on the outside of my network and indeed it worked.

I tried an audio CD in the CDRom, and it played !!  This was really amazing
to me as sound has always been a real pain for me to get to work.

All in all I was very impressed with what Corel had done for a ver 1.0
release.  I understand their target is winblows user that want to switch to
something else that is reliable, easy, etc.  I would highly recommend Corel
for these type of users.  Would RH users want to switch ?  I seriously doubt
it, but maybe so.

Anyway, I wanted to share this with the list.

Hope everyone had a good turkey day !!


> So for ease of use and installation for someone who just wants to have
> Linux (in the same way that they just have windows), I'd opt for Corel. 
> For more learning along the way and far more ability to customize the
> installation, I'd opt for one of the other distributions.

I haven't seen Corel's, but the best newbie distro I've seen is Caldera.
(Red Hat is beginning to approach this with 6.1). However, although
Caldera is nifty to install, it isn't nifty to tweak afterward. I hope
Corel doesn't suffer from this same malady.

Paul M. Foster

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