Please don't post this sort of thing to the linux kernel list. The 
kernel list is for kernel related development issues.

It sounds like you have hosed you NT boot loader when you installed, 
lilo, probably on the MBR. What does your lilo.conf file look like, and
what does linux fdisk say about the partition layout of your drive?

If that is the case, you can uninstall lilo from its location by
typing /sbin/lilo -u

Once you have done this, you will need to install lilo on the superblock
of your linux partition, strib the lilo boot code using dd, and add it 
to the NT boot loader. I cannot really give you specifics on what you will
need to do for your system since I don't know the partition layout or what
your lilo.conf file looks like.

This is all covered in the Linux+NT mini-howto. If you have the Red Hat
install cdrom, it is in the doc/HOWTO/mini directory and is also on the
ldp website.


  Matt Galgoci
  Job title: export title=`dd if=/dev/random bs=24 count=1`
             echo $title

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, casler, heather wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm hoping someone can help.  I royally hosed this system!!  I have a system
> with an 8GB drive with 3 partitions (hopefully):  NT 2.1GB, swap 133MB and
> Linux having the rest.  I am desparately trying to get it so it will dual
> boot properly.
> NT isn't booting because there isn't any type of BootManager software there
> to tell it to boot so the host automatically went to Linux (RH v6.0 upgraded
> to v2.2.13).  I wanted to go back into NT, add some sort of BootManager
> software (probably from PartitionMagic), and then use it to dual boot, but I
> couldn't boot into NT from Lilo, etc.
> I tried fdisking the drive to clear it and to create new partitions from
> both Dos and Linux floppies, but the host still tries booting from Linux.
> I've tried reinstalling both NT & Linux and reformatting the drive from Dos
> (not necessarily in that order!), but Linux still tries to boot.
> Does the MBR still hold the boot files for Linux?  How do I entirely clear
> the drive so I can do a clean install of NT and Linux??
> I apologize if this is off-topic or not the forum for this question.  Any
> suggestions are greatly appreciated!
> TIA!
> Heather
> -- 
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