On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 09:17:11PM -0600, Bill Jacobs wrote:
> Under Windows it is very easy to tell what file launches the program. Is
> there a particular file to look for with Linux? It's confusing to me
> cause you may have a gazillion files that say -rwxrwxrwx-, but which one
> do I use to launch the program?

Ok, looks like you're mixing up something here:

The "-rwxrwxrwx-" thingy is not the name of a file but its permissions.
The first dash is usually replaced by a "d" if the file in question is a
directory (note: To Unix, everything is a file). The next three "rwx"
determine, what you yourself (i.e. the user) is allowed to do with the
file: If the "r" is set, you're allowed to read it, if the "w" is set,
you're allowed to write to that file and if the "x" is set, you're
allowed to execute it. Unset options are replaced by dashes.
The next triplet of "rwx" does the same, but for the group (you can set
up user groups under Unix and use the permissions to allow or deny
access for group members) and the last triplet represents the
permissions for "others", i.e. everybody. Hence, if you have files which
say "-rwxrwxrwx-", it means that everybody can read, write and execute

As for the name: Assuming that you're using KDE and hence its file
manager "kfm", switch to text view (View -> Text View).
In the list you get then, the name should be in the first column and the
permissions in the second. The third column represents the owner of the
file (which in your home directory is most likely you yourself), the
fourth column shows the group the file is assigned to (under Red Hat,
it'll be yourself again for your own files), the fifth column gives the
size and the last the date of the last modification.

So, now that's out of the way, I have to admit that I'm not entirely
sure what you mean by "what file launches the program" - or were you
just looking for the name?



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