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On 6/12/99 at 9:20 John Indra wrote:

>According to Apache's manual, all configs have been moved to
>httpd.conf. Just wondering, are the access.conf and srm.conf in
>/etc/httpd/conf still being read? Cause when I configured Apache to
>show php3 icons, (and after restarting Apache), it won't work!

YES they can be,  the http.conf file is last to be read. If you have blank
access and srm files you know that everything is being read from httpd.conf

>Added these lines to /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf:
>AddIcon /icons/php3.gif .php3
>AddIcon /icons/php3s.gif .phps

Add it to the relevant section of the httpd.conf where all the icon
directives will be, also why double up ? adding like this should be ok

AddIcon /icons/php3.gif .php3 .phps


Greg W
IT Consultant Sydney Australia


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