On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Daniel Goldin said:

DG>James> It appears that you have your sendmail.cf fle misconfigured. If
DG>you will follow
DG>James> the directions in the attached file it should get you going.
DG>Thanks for your help. I rewrote the .mc file as you siggested, but I
DG>got an error message when I ran m4 ...
DG> /etc/sendmail.mc:13: m4: Cannot open ../m4/cf.m4: No such file or

Do rpm -q sendmail-cf. If you get a null response you're missing an important
rpm. If it's there then we'll need to make some adjustments to some of the .mc

DG>I'd installed the sendmail.cf... Any idea what's wrong? Also two quick
DG>questions about setting up the mc file.
DG>   define(`SMART_HOST', `your.isps.mta')dnl #added

If I had to guess I'd say it should be this:

define(`SMART_HOST', `smtp.ix.netcom.com')dnl

DG>Is my isp's mta "ix.netcom.com"? or "popd.ix.netcom.com"? or
DG>   MASQUERADE_AS(yourdomain.dom)dnl #added - use your domain name
DG>   here!


DG>What is mydomain.dom? Is it the hostname on my local machine ("Daniel"
DG>in my case)? Or is it my isp, ie. "ix.netcom.com?"
DG>Apologize for these amateurish questions. I'm not a techy person, just
DG>a writer who likes Linux. Thanks for any help.

BTW... to James and all... I am re-writing the FAQ for mailhelp as we speak and
will do a much better job in handling this in the process. It should be done in
a week or so.

Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <http://moongroup.com> 
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