On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Romain Kang wrote:
> We're using a central NFS server (a mutant SVR4.0+NFS3 variant) to keep
> multiple platform sources and we've historically been able to compile
> our source trees without a significant performance hit from NFS.
> However, we've recently been prone to errors in the vein of "RPC
> timeout", "connection refused", "request slots full", or "task %d can't
> get a request slot", as logged by Linux, SVR4.0, and Solaris NFS
> clients.  To me, these sound like server bottlenecks, but the Linux
> clients seem to suffer worse performance than the others.  For example,
> "ls -l" in a directory with about 20 entries can take up to 10 seconds
> on a RH6.0/Linux 2.2.12 client.
> Does anyone have suggestions how this NFS bottleneck might be alleviated,
> either on the client or server side?  Or perhaps pointers to some NFS
> brains who might be willing to advise?

How do you know if it's NFS? It could be a overloaded server, a overloaded
network, bad routing, etc.

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