At 04:37 PM 12/17/99 -0500, Steve wrote:
>Is there a command that will list the ports that are being used and what
is it?
>Or is this a stuuuupppid question and I'm just having a very bad day?

The file /etc/services lists the services that are supposed to be running.
So if someone tries to connect to port 110, look in /etc/services to see
what service usually answers that request.  But be aware that some (many?
all?) services do things like negotiate other ports (e.g., ftp) so port
10182 could be busy with an ftp or telnet session.

'netstat' will tell you about "open" connections but not about other ports.
 There is a package called ntop that does a better job of what you want to
do.  And there are others.

Alan D. Mead  /  Research Scientist  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute for Personality and Ability Testing
1801 Woodfield Dr  /  Savoy IL 61874 USA
217-352-4739 (v)  /  217-352-9674 (f)

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