On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, JWalsh wrote:

> Within each named.conf the global options 'directory', 'listen-on',
> and 'pid-file' should each be uniquely defined:
> named.conf1:
> options { directory "/var/named1"; listen-on {; }; pid-file
> "named1.pid"; };

Most excellent.  The 'listen-on' option is the thing I most wanted to
know, the rest follows naturally...  Thanks for your help.

> This supposedly works even on one interface with aliased ip addresses, but
> I've only ever did it with separate interfaces.

Can't see why not...  at the application level, it's just a matter of
specifying which IP address to listen on - which piece of hardware the
data gets routed through is for the bowels of the OS to decide.

Real-world tests coming soon...

Thanks again.
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