I have a printer problem that I am _almost_ hoping is common enough that
people will know the solution:

I have a Zerox DocuPrint XJ6C, which is supposed to be highly compatible
with the HP DeskJet 500 series, in particular a couple of the models.  
So I was able to get it printing without a lot of trouble when I found 
that out.  However, the alignment is horrible... 
1) everything prints straight relative to itself, but at a slant, such that
the left/top margins are not the same distance from the edge as the right/
bottom margins.
2) on some of the DeskJet drivers, you can see the bottom edge, and on
some not, but even the ones where you can, the top is not the same distance
from the edge as the bottom is.

The above applies to postscript printing.  When I print a text page, 
1) there is still the unevennes.
2) all the text is shifted about 1 character to the right, i.e. the 
first character is about 1 character closer to the edge than the 80th
character, which I presume should be exactly the same distance.  Also,
The respective first and 80th columns are both too close to the edge for
what is normal, although I could (I guess) take care of that by always 
putting a tab on the first character, and then making sure I end lines

I know that the postscript part is not just from a badly formatted doc,
because I was using red hat's printtool to test it. 

One last thing, it seems that every page is aligned a little differently.

Mark Price

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