On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, cajun wrote:

> Is it possible to direct a tar file to extract to a certain directory ?

i'm not sure i'd recommend doing this, but gnu tar has the
"-P" or "--absolute-paths" option that will leave leading
slashes on the filenames in the archive to guarantee that
the restore is done to that absolute location.  is that what
you were looking for?  just be warned that this removes the
flexibility of restoring anywhere else.  you're better off
cd'ing to the appropriate location first before running
the restore.

> How can dotfiles be included in a tar ?
> (yes, I've looked at the man page but haven't been able to figure it out)

the easy way is to archive by directory name if you can.
if you want to archive your home directory, first cd there, then

$ tar cvf /dev/fd0 .

the period refers to a *directory*, and this automatically picks
up everything inside the directory, including hidden files.
if you want to get hidden files specifically, try the wildcard
pattern ".[!.]*".  but if you can, just use the directory way
of doing it, it's way easier.


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