Afternoon Hatters:

This is just an informal poll to see if there is an interest in doing
something like this.  I'm interested in taking a Red Hat distribution, and
recompiling it to all i686 RPMs.  Further, I would like to investigate the
possibility of changing a few things that the Red Hat install does by
default.  I also would like to come up with some standards on the way that
RPMs are built, so that if the average user downloads a SRPM and wants to
rebuild it on their "stock" Red Hat system, it will rebuild with no

What I'm looking for is people who might be interested in working on a
project like this.  I'm not looking to "create a whole new
distribution" or anything like that.  Instead, if enough people were
interested, and we could show that these changes are possible, we might be
able to work directly with Red Hat to implement these things.

I have plenty of server space that I would be willing to donate to this
project, and would be happy to help out where I could.  Again, I'm looking
to build on the strength of the Red Hat distribution, not reinvent the

- Mike

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